Wednesday 19 February 2014

Arrived in Bali

So after a gap of three months we are back on our adventure and have arrived in Bali.

Whenever you are travelling long distances to go away I always believe it is a really good idea to spend that little bit of extra cash and buy a good quality flight. I am not talking first class...unless you can afford it...if you can hit me up, we should talk...but at least a direct flight to get to your destination as quickly as possible leaving you refreshed and ready to go from day one. Sadly, what I believe and what I do are quite the opposite, that is why we were tavelling for 32 hours, leaving London in the wee hours of Tuesday morning to fly to Mumbai, 9 hours overnight there waiting for another 5 hour flight to Singapore. 3 more hours there before getting on our next flight to Bali and finally arriving at around 1am Friday morning.

The first flight was nice enough, my streak of surviving with my clothes clean came to an abbrut end as the sweetcorn from  BBQ chicken wrap became dislodged by some mild turbulance and left 4 or 5 nice saucey streaks down my shirt. After an hour or so of non stop bumpinesds the sick bag was on standby but never really threatened. Mumbai airport is dry...Goes without saying I didn't enjoy it there. Having flown through Doha before and encountering the same situation I vowed never to go to a dry airport again, looks like I failed. We did concoct a plan that involed duty free wine and a couple of Costa coffee cups, we even got the cups but then did a little research to find out that you need a permit to consume alcohol in Mumbai state. Not wanting to get arrested before we even finished our transit we veto'd that plan and set about finding a quiet corner to make a nest for the night.

The next flight was a 5 hour ordeal on a plane that would make Ryan Air seen spacious. We also had the pleasure of being right on the back row so we couldn't recline our seats and we had a constant audience of people waiting to us the lavotory looking at us. At least I entertained them as one of the side effects of not being able to recline your seat is that you must sleep pretty upright. The result...That thing you do when your head colaspes forward and you wake yourself up as if you have just beed slapped around the face. I spend 4 hours doing my best nodding dog impression. It was also on this flight that Kinga also decided to cover herself in red wine and sweet and sour chicken. I know what your thinking...Red...with sweet and sour? Sadly they didn't have any Alsace Dry Reisling!

Finally we made it to Singapore where we would have to clear immigration, collect our bags and check in again. We were officially in Singapore for 32 minutes, 22 of them waiting for my stupid luggage. Finally after one more flight we have arrived.

Our system of tactical naps and red wine has worked and have woken up feeling fit, strong, ready for a day of sightseeing but it is raining like mad. That said, being British this never bothers me. 

That's about it for now, as I sit on out terrace writing Kinga is next to me, scaring us by reading all the side effects of the various drugs we have with us. Apparently a side effect of travel sickness pills is nausea and vomiting...Hmmmmm.  Keep an eye out for updates, I am sure I will get the message to you if you can't be bothered to look. I hope you are all well and let the adventure re-commence.



Petra said...

It took us about four years to finally suppress the urge to always buy the cheapest flight ticket when we fly home to Hungary. And by cheapest I mean arriving at the worst possible times feeling tired and fed up.
Paying a little extra for your ticket is definitely something you should consider next time! Or am I just turning 30 and becoming more comfortable? :))

MM said...

But think of all the wasted opportunities for customising your clothes through liberal additions of wine red, mustard yellow and so on if you only have one flight with which to juggle your colour pallette (otherwise known as the food tray).