Tuesday 29 October 2013

Surviving a scary night

Last words special update

As I write this I truly believe I am about to die in some horrific way. We are currently trying to get some sleep in a place called Samoeng Resort just outside a small town in the middle of nowhere up a mountain somewhere. The resort has about 30 or so individual bungalows spread across a wide area, we are the only people here. 

The day started off great with hiring a moped and going to an elephant sanctuary and getting kissed by an elephant before hitting the road and coming out here. The road is a 100km loop out of Chaing Mai known as the Samoeng loop. It is possible to do in one day but we decided to break it up with an over night stop and found this place.

We were shown to our bungalow and were instantly underwhelmed by the general repair but accepted this was the way it was going to be. We got back on the bike to go into the town to find something to eat which is when the rain started, and boy did it rain. By the time we got there we were soaked through, luckily there was a small clothes shop selling really cheap stuff so we could get something for tomorrow. We found a little place to eat then bought some snacks off a very nice old local who spoke a little English and we cam back to "The Resort". 

As nighttime slowly crept up it was starting to feel quite creepy, we are the only people here, there were lots of strange noises outside that sound like footsteps, there was something on the roof, every little noise got to us. The door was shivering in the wind knocking each time as if there was someone trying to get in. I bet this place is great when it's busy but when you are the only people it gets quite unsettling. Out of the corner of my eye I saw some movement behind Kinga's head, like a ninja I jumped up and pounced on the snail that was about to attack her and chucked it outside while she just froze. Wondering what was happening I explained I was just saving her life, no biggie. I chuckled to myself as I threw it outside thinking how lucky he is that I am not Vietnamese. After that minor scare I thought back to the old man in the town and realised every horror movie has a creepy old man, normally works at a petrol station, who asks questions like "so where are you staying?" Just like he did. I turned to tell Kinga but she didn't want to know. Then...the power went out. Lights out, TV off, no staff around, this is it. I know all heroes on TV grab a flashlight and go and check, sadly we didn't have a flashlight, I'm not a hero and they normally are the first ones to die anyway. So I asked Kinga to go check it out, she also said no. 

So now here we are, my iPad our only source of light, every noise in the dark has been amplified by ten and I swear there are footsteps outside, the building has someone on the roof and there is a snail out there currently forming an army to get some revenge. I only hope he is so slow it will take a day to two and we'll be gone. So as I fall asleep I write these final words so that in the future they may hopefully make a horror movie out of our story. Sadly, realistically, if we do get killed it will probably be a robbery as we have money and an iPad and these words will never be read as this iPad will be sold to some dude, probably named Mr Kim. That's not a comforting thought either......

This hasn't worked for a while

Awaiting their next victims

Hasn't been used in a while, probably because no one lives long enough!

Well, we survived, I think the killer came in but when he realised I sleep naked he probably ran away, most people would.

1 comment:

MM said...

It's not the snails you need to be worried about . . . it's those naked little blighters . . the meztelen csigas! XX